NPK 7-19-29


Pelleted complex fertiliser NPK 7-19-29 2S+0,02B+0,02Zn for fertilising a variety of agricultural plants in autumn. The optimal ratio of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) and additional components in the fertiliser such as sulphur (S), zinc (Zn) and boron (B) ensure the maximum uptake of the fertiliser components as well as speedy and even germination of plants in the soil. The fertiliser may be applied during sowing.



Pelleted complex fertiliser NPK 7-19-29 2S+0,02B+0,02Zn for fertilising a variety of agricultural plants in autumn. The optimal ratio of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) and additional components in the fertiliser such as sulphur (S), zinc (Zn) and boron (B) ensure the maximum uptake of the fertiliser components as well as speedy and even germination of plants in the soil. The fertiliser may be applied during sowing.


  • Winter cereal crops: 250-450 kg/ha;
  • Spring cereal crops: 300-500 kg/ha;
  • Winter rapeseed: 300-500 kg/ha;
  • Spring rapeseed: 300-500 kg/ha;
  • Maize: 400-800 kg/ha;
  • Meadows: 300-450 kg/ha;
  • Sugar and fodder beets: 600-800 kg/ha